get back on the feet

07th January 2019

Maybe some of you remember … At the very beginning of my call for donations, at the end of November, a lady so kind commented on my post on Facebook …




I do not know exactly where we know each other here on facebook. I find your diagnosis very sad and squeeze all your thumbs and paws, that it is very soon uphill and then a straight way waiting for you.
It is not nice to know that you are seriously ill and often many things in life seem almost hopeless, but me and everyone else around you sees that you are fighting and strong and you do not want to surrender. I admire you very much !!
I want you to keep going your way! And so I would like to do you a small favor and offer you my help.
I can not feel what you are doing and what a difficult road you have to go, but I would like to relieve you a little bit, at least for a moment.

I’m a trained podiatrist on medical aspects and hereby offer you my foot care, of course with a foot massage. I visit you at your home (Hochheim according to profile) with everything you need for the foot care. Say mobile foot care. Of course, that would be a small gift from me to you, just as encouragement and, above all, as a reminder to always stand on your feet and go further.
Write me a message and we’ll do something if you want.
All the best


And today it was time …

Thank you to Dana Köhler!

This was not just a foot care that I got today … dear ones, that was so beautiful! Dana knew a lot about feet. She massaged my feet and was able to sense which region was affected by MS … She said, “Skin reacts, skin responds to touch.” Some places do not answer anymore and without knowing that I gave her a hint, she knew which one. That impressed me a lot!


I realized that my feet have been carrying me through life for 36 years … so naturally and without that I ever paid much attention to them … are just feet – and somehow I found them sometimes also pretty ugly and weird … I learned from Dana that feet reflect a lot of what’s happening in our bodies right now. Thanks a lot for this! I hope they carry me through the world and through life for a very, very, very long time and that I can continue to stand upright on them!


What a great idea! Just before I travel to Moscow, Dana will take care of my feet again … so that I can go my own way well.

A very, very big HEART THANK YOU!

That was such a valuable gift today …, for my special journey.

Thanks alot!!



Meine langjährige Freundin Michaela Waldschütz (ehemalige Gerkens) hat mich auf eine ganz schöne Art unterstützt. Michi alias Mica hat ein Label namens

… and she creates, produces and sells handmade capes and scarves of a special kind, based in Berlin.

For the Christmas market she has donated to me for each sold unique percentage.

Thank you, dear HEARTENDAN !! So total 1222,22 € have come together!


And Wooowww ……. we are almost at the finish! This is so great!!

I can hardly wait Moscow and will write an e-mail tomorrow if I can come earlier. Somehow my legs can not support me so much and my left eye does not like to look so sharp – I’m just glad when it finally starts. And I’m so thankful to you all so, so, so that I can go that way. This is my big and so valuable chance you have made possible for me. As always, I have only one THANK YOU, but yes, it is a HEART THANK YOU! It’s such a deep, big thank you. And I take all your donations, your heartfelt wishes to me and think that this is something very special, what happens to me here in this life. I feel so supported and supported on my way, as I have said before …


The money is almost together (… I still believe sometimes I’m dreaming!). But it is also spent soon … and then only begins my way. And then what? Then you are with your many wishes and greetings that you have sent me – via WhatsApp, via Facebook, by e-mail and by purpose – then you are present. Because that is not so fast “spent”, that remains. And carries. As well as your words in between. Your visits to my office, your phone calls, your small talk in the elevator … your meetings in the café, in the bar .. all this remains very, very long present and just for that I say HEART THANK YOU!

I thank you all, who support and accompany me on my way.

  • Dorothee Ursula von Uchtrup
  • Alexandra-Maria&Klaus Müller
  • Thomas Muntau
  • Nalan Vural-Kahhoudi
  • Anja Behrmann
  • Frank Anonym
  • Alexander Zengeler
  • Monika Pirron-Bär
  • Erika&Martin Müller
  • Mustafa Anonym
  • Musa Tekeli


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