MS-free new life

15th of July 2019

Hello my dears,

I have not written for a long time, and many of you may have looked a few times, wondering how I feel and why I’ve been so quiet.
I want to leave the topic of MS behind me slowly and start my new, MS-free life. MS-free also means that I am breaking away from my MS past and not getting stuck in this topic.

I’m getting better and better, even if I experience a few setbacks now and then and continue to be patient.
My hair is growing and I have shaved twice already. The hair is getting denser and my new hairstyle I like so much that I would like to wear it consciously.



My walking distance had increased for a few weeks and I had noticeably more energy. For a few days I feel again 500kg heavy and running is a total of more laborious. Nevertheless, it is easier for me than before the treatment AND I also know that this is the prophesied ascent and descent and remain patient.
My energy is really good on many days, even though I still need breaks between activities. “Give yourself time” is still my motto and so I am happy and satisfied through the day.

In order to get myself fit again and to give challenges to me and my body, I started to train for about two weeks. I found the best coach for me, my personal Bruce Lee. Reza Manavi teaches me kickboxing, a sport that challenges and encourages me both physically and neurologically. We work very concentrated and I notice how I challenge my brain with many processes and reactions. But I also notice how my reaction and my balance improve – and that’s exactly what I want. In addition, kickboxing trains and strengthens the entire body evenly.

Reza is a very experienced coach who has quickly recognized my individual deficits and he understands how to use my individual form of daily life. And hey, that would not be my trip, if not here again something “magic” would be found. My coach, who is fighting me back to my new life, has the same day of birth, as the day my new life began: the 06.03. – my stem birthday. 🙂

Not a single day goes by that I’m not grateful. Every single day, I am fully aware of how fortunate I was that you have made this journey into a new life possible for me. I had been quite a positive and thoroughly happy person before. But it can not be put into words what I felt and experienced through this tremendous tidal wave of support. That you are so many people, who for the most part have only known me fleetingly or sometimes not at all … and that you nevertheless have taken such honest and benevolent share: for that, once again, my greatest heartthanking from very deep. Above all, I thank the people who actively supported me. So the people who actively offered me their help or who paid me money. You became those who were actively there for me when I needed help the most! And with that you became closer to me than many others in this time. And for that, I thank every single donor and helper of whole, very deepest heart!
And I thank those who have accompanied me with their good thoughts and their good and benevolent energy. Your good wishes and hopes have accompanied me. And those who know me know that I am a thoroughly spiritual person and I am more than convinced that this energy is influencing. That’s why I wholeheartedly thank you for making my way so beautiful!

As you’ve probably seen, I’ve changed this website a bit. From my donation page has now become a kind of info page. If you have friends or acquaintances who also have MS, you can read my story on my website and learn a little about the treatment. Anyone who has a personal question to me, you can write an email, my email address is listed under the menu item Contacts. There are other contact details, such as the Pirogov Clinic Russia or the Facebook Group, which consists of hundreds of other MS stem cell transplant patients.

I’ll definitely write something again in a few weeks. But the topic of MS is getting quieter with me, so I am also withdrawing from my blog.

Please feel all hugged sincerely. Thank you very much!

Lovely wishes